Serving in Guatemala

In February 2008, we moved to Guatemala, Central America, to live out our dream to help the poor communities living in this developing country. It is difficult to leave our family and friends but we know that this will be a decision that we will not regret.

Almost 60% of all Guatemalans, or 6.4 million people, live in poverty making less than $2US per day. Approximately 16% of this number are in extreme poverty living on less than $1US per day. Furthermore, more than 50% of the children are malnourished and have no hope for a better future. Reasons for the continuous poverty in Guatemala include illiteracy, lack of access to health care and low levels of education. The Arms of Jesus Children's Mission (AOJ), a private non-profit organization, has responded to this need by creating a school with specialized educational programs, meeting the daily nutritional requirements of the children, and offering social support to families. We feel very fortunate to be working with an organization that is dedicated to meeting the basic needs of the poor communities in Guatemala. For more information on AOJ, you can visit their website through the hot link on the bottom right.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Staff Bonding Day

We were really happy to see some of our former staff members come back for another year and to welcome new people to our team for 2009. In fact, almost half the staff is new to the mission due to turnover and the creation of new positions. We thought it would be a good idea then to have some sort of staff bonding activity to create unity as we started the year.

However, we also wanted to have the staff appreciate the work we do at AOJ because a number of the new employees have never worked with such poverty. A number of the staff came from private organizations or well-to-do public schools where they dealt with people from a higher socio-economic background. And what better way to have the staff bond and appreciate the objectives of the mission than to build a house for a needy family! So we all packed into the back of the mission truck (it was amazing that we actually fit more than 20 people in the back!) and we drove to the construction site to start building our house.

You will see from the pictures that the staff really got into it. Everyone worked really hard and did whatever needed to be done...whether it was hammering a nail, lifting a wall, painting the frames, or getting on the top of the house to nail down the roof.

We were really proud of our staff with their efforts and we didn't hear any complaints on how hot the weather was (because it was really hot that day!) or how tired they were. For a lot of our staff, their first exposure to real proverty was a real eye-opener. To see first hand that people actually live on a dirt floor with thin walls and a flimsy roof really affected them. Not only did they get a real sense of what our organization does to help the poor communities in Guatemala, but it made them really appreciate how fortunate they were with the things they have that they might have taken for granted. Simple things like a proper roof, walls to keep out the cold and access to security and privacy are things we enjoy without often thinking about it too much.

It took about 3 hours to complete the house and once the finishing touches were done, it was amazing to stand back and see a brand new house that was beautifully painted.

Then it was time to give a blessing and hand over the keys. It was a very emotional time for everyone as the family was very grateful for receiving a proper home and the staff were very grateful for the opportunity to build it.

Some of the things we heard from the staff at the end of the day (translated from Spanish):
"I didn't know people in my own country actually lived like that. It makes me think before I complain too much."
"This house is so simple and basic, but the kids were really excited to move in. It was touching to see the smiles on their faces!"

"This was the best idea! I have never learned so much about myself and other people through a staff activity. Not only do I feel closer to the staff, but I learned a valuable lesson for myself."
"It was a wonderful experience to share with my colleagues. To give something like this to a child in need".

What a great day for the staff to give the gift of a new home. We couldn't think of a better way to start off 2009!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm looking for information about schools and programs in Antigua is there a way to contact you?
thanks Melissa


Hi Melissa, For more information on the organization or how you can get involved, you can contact Thanks for your interest.